
Merry Christmas

We celebrated Christmas early. I wanted to celebrate in our own home. Plus, not knowing how much pain Liam would be in or even if we would be discharged in time to be together, it just made sense.

We slept in, drank David’s freshly roasted coffee and ate the biscotti my friend, Rosy, made and muffins my mom made.

It was a perfect, lazy morning.

Omelets for breakfast because they’re Liam’s favorite thing and the rest of us love them except for Zara who doesn’t like anything with eggs.

And then gifts! A local foundation asked for my wishlists for the kids and did all the shopping for me so I only had to buy David’s and wrap everything. I don’t know how else I would have gotten everything done in the timeframe I had.

It was a beautiful day. And a bittersweet one. The possibilities hang deep like shadows on the wall. No one knows the handwriting on the wall. Living with cancer is a moment by moment choice to live in the moment that is and live it fully. That verse about take no thought for tomorrow? It’s pretty literal.

David and I played a game of Scrabble with the boys, but never even got to finish it. It still amazes me how time it takes just to feed and clothe a family of seven. After an early dinner we drove to see the Christmas lights. I heard Zara and the boys making up jokes in the back seat and my heart wanted to leap with laughter and cry with the poignancy of it all. Adam and Liam together are such a fun mixture. They pull out sides of each other that no one else gets to see. And their humor is like a comedy show happening in your own house. David and I just squeeze each others hands and hope we get to listen to this for years.

Both our parents joined us for hot chocolate when we got back. So many precious moments.

Christmas. 2020.

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