
Simple Gifts

It’s a day of intermittent rain, sleet, and quiet moments of grey.  But indoors, the luscious scent of roast beef slowly baking in the oven permeates the air.  The craziness of taking three big trips during November and being gone for thirteen days out of thirty-one means we have internet left at the end of the month.  Tada! The loveliness of streaming Christmas music on Pandora.  The leftover autumn candles are burning without discretion.  And for once in her life, baby girl opted to nap in the afternoon instead of in the morning which made school a little trickier, but this afternoon gloriously free!


Some days are so brim full of the most delightful little gifts!

This morning the boys and I prayed for safety for the families who were bringing their kids back to camp through the icy rain.  We also prayed especially for a boy who opted to take matters into his own hands … that God would keep him safe and that satan’s power would be bound so that he would not make any decisions with life-long ramifications.

Some days when we are in the middle of a loud, happy holiday I think about the moms of our boys who are going through a hard time in life.

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On days like today when there is messiness around all the corners of the house, dishes break, and we’re all still trying to get back into the rhythm of home, I think about how much beautiful we have going on.  There’s a story behind every boy at camp, just as there is a story behind every person in the world.  If there is anything I’ve learned since being here, it’s that you can’t predict kids outcomes.  For every child who struggles with life because of certain circumstances, there is another child who thrived in a similar place. And for every child who thrives, there is another child whose spirit crumbles and who desperately needs someone to walk alongside them minute by minute to show them the way.

We’re never going to be able to parent perfectly or guarantee outcomes.

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Love. Structure. Support system. Prayer.  They’re all wonderful, oh so necessary things.  But they aren’t guarantees.  Because life is life, not an insulated bubble, and kids get to make choices.

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In the end, it all boils down to the most amazing gift.


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Today at noon, the boys’ eyes widened as they realized both their prayers had already been answered.  The ice had not only stopped, the collection on the deck had melted.  David had called me to say the boy we were most concerned about had been found.  We held hands and prayed again in thanksgiving, but it was the eyes of my soul that grew wide the most.  Those hands reaching out to hold mine, those hearts turned toward God, those sweet spirits that emerge when the wrestling gets shut down …. those things aren’t because of what we’ve done as parents.  Those are the grace of God bringing so many beautiful gifts into the life of our family.

Today I’m praying again for the Mama warriors out there who are investing so much love, so many prayers, so much time …. and who wish with all their hearts to see these simple gifts.

7 thoughts on “Simple Gifts

  1. Bethany

    Tears. How easy it is to miss the gifts! How easily the Grace slips into my days and I miss it entirely, much less manage to pass the wonder on to my children…. Beautiful post!

  2. Clarita

    What beautiful words, and post. Grace. Sometimes I’m in awe of grace, and other times so aware of how little I know of it. Your involving your kids in that particular day is beautiful – and then gathering to give thanks at the end… what faith building days for them! And us as their parents at the same time.

  3. Sandra Zimmerman

    I am the mom of a “boy at camp” just not Allegheny. It is hard being in this situation but folks like you make it easier. Thanks to you and David for all the work and sacrifice you put into the boys and their families. An employee of my husband had the privilege of sitting in on a meeting concerning a boy who was returning home from camp. He was very impressed by Davids wisdom and his caring heart. Blessings as you continue…we need people like you!

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