
Liam’s Birthday

Funny how I thought I was suddenly going to catch up a little around here.  Funny how traveling and life and gardening and summer fabulousness just fills up your whole life.  Funny how it’s almost the end of July and I still have pictures from May that I wanted to remember.  Funny how even though I’ve crawled a long, long, long way up from the depression that wanted to consume me last summer after we moved, I still don’t have energy for the things I used to think were so much fun.  Well, that last one isn’t actually funny, but it’s a fact.

Liam turned five the end of May.  No grandparents or cousins or uncles or aunts which made him sad, but we celebrated with a fun little party all by ourselves.  I never do seem to get ahold of just how long it takes to do even simple decorations.  I think we finally ate around 7:00 and David reminded me that the boys would probably never miss the decorations.  They might not.  But I would!  I’m always amazed how much fun they are to do.  I just wish I’d learn to start earlier so I don’t run out of time.  Or at least start planning before the day of like I did this year.

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May 13_0964

airplane theme birthday party

Liam wanted garnachies for his birthday supper.  I’m pretty sure it’s both the favorite and messiest menu our family eats.  He loved the day all the way from waking up in the morning realizing it was his birthday to getting phone calls from cousins to going to the lake for awhile in the afternoon with friends to his birthday party in the evening.  The only sad spot was that he and Adam were messing around with a jump rope minutes before we ate and the rope caught him in the eye leaving him in agony for a few minutes and with a very red, sore eye for the first half of the evening.

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May 13_0960

airplane theme birthday party

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fifth birthday

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airplane cake

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pin the propeller

May 13_1019

I love the way Liam lives life with so much exuberance.  He wears all his emotions on the outside and it is so much fun to watch his gratitude and excitement.  These pictures describe him better than words.  His absolute pleasure at the words in his birthday card, his constantly itchy bug bites, and his utter delight with his gift of a semi. Unfortunately, the truck had broken parts before we even removed it from the box and had to be returned for something else.  Are there any manufacturers anywhere that make sturdy trucks?

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And then, in an all boy end of party celebration, the balloons got lined up in a different tree to be shot down with Adam’s BB gun.

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How we love you, sugar lump!

May 13 Liam_1126


5 thoughts on “Liam’s Birthday

  1. Nola

    Why do I suddenly feel like I have not seen you guys for a L-o-n-g time?! I love the pictures, the party decore, and the people. Liam is so Liam on these pictures…..perfect. =-) Nola

  2. Audrey R

    What a cute party! I love how excited Liam looks, and this all makes me think that it would be fun to have a boy sometime. Shooting balloons with a BB gun sounds like fun even for me!

  3. Clarita

    What an adorable party!! I loved the airplane theme, and even games! Garnaches are a favorite of mine too, but I hardly ever hear anyone else talk about them! You must have some Latin American influence. 🙂
    Your boys are SO handsome! And that last picture of Liam? It’s KILLER!! He is SO beautiful (if I can say that about a boy!) 🙂

  4. Christy

    Such a CUTE party! I can hardly believe Liam is 5 already. His sparkly eyes are the best, and especially in the picture where he’s all excited about his gift. And the last picture is darling! Funny, as we speak I’m sitting in a parking lot waiting for a plane to come in. 🙂

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