
WFMW: My Cleaning Fairies

You would think I’d write about cleaning all the time instead of posting recipes since I actually like doing it.  I still think cleaning is sort of like therapy and being in the kitchen is something to be avoided whenever possible.

Today, I’m going to tell you about a few of my favorite cleaners.

1. Mox


This is hands down my favorite cleaner for tough jobs.  It is super concentrated so I dilute it for normal cleaning, but when I need the big guns, I dump it straight onto my rag.  It cleans black mildew off patio furniture and the outside of window sills like nobody’s business.  It cuts that grease ring in the tub like it didn’t even need scrubbing.  It can be used for a stain remover in the laundry (I pull it out for really, really tough jobs) and supposedly has even taken wet paint off of clothes completely.  Thankfully, I haven’t had to put it to the test. Seriously though, I rarely reach for bleach anymore and Greased Lightning is a thing of the past (did anyone else hate the smell of Greased Lightning?)

2. Legacy of Clean

household cleaners (2 of 3)

This is what I turn to for the kids bathrooms or if they are helping me clean.  Again, it’s super concentrated so I mix it in a spray bottle and Adam’s all set to clean their bathroom.  I also use it when I clean Zara’s bath because it is so mild I feel confident it won’t provoke skin issues in our eczema prone kiddos.  So far so good.  I love how it smells … clean and fresh, but not overpowering.

3. Kleens All

household cleaners (3 of 3)

Unfortunately, I can’t tell you where to get this one.  It is an incredibly mild, organic cleaner. So mild you can even use it on vegetables.  I use it when I wipe down the cabinetry and mop the hardwood floors and I love it.  It leaves no residue and is so gentle on the finish.  Unfortunately, it came with my cabinets (I purchased extra when we built our house in Virginia) and I can’t find a link to purchase just this product.  Perhaps a little digging would find it.

Now, I’d looooove to hear what your favorite cleaning products are! I’d especially like to hear from Norwex users.  I’m still a windex and paper towels girl when it comes to glass.  I’d love to hear if Norwex rags are the cat’s meow from someone who has actually used them for awhile.  Actually, to be honest, my windows are usually so dirty on the outside I have to first wash them with a drop of dish soap in warm water, but you know, no one really needs to know that.  Some parts of cleaning are anything but therapy.  Like windows.  And cleaning out the frig.

Are you a cleaner or a cook or a baker? Who are your cleaning fairies?

44 thoughts on “WFMW: My Cleaning Fairies

  1. Jolene

    100 percent agreed on the window cleaning 🙂 To be honest, I don’t really have any cleaning products that I’m totally sold on. I do like Windex with vinegar and Mr.Clean magic erasers are great! Where do you purchase the Mox cleaner? Sounds like something good 🙂

  2. Dorcas Byler

    I am a huge Norwex fan! I love cleaning without chemicals! I don’t even have to open my bathroom window and turn on the exhaust fan when I clean my bathroom.

  3. Gina Smucker

    Def Norwex!!! That is all i use esp for the windows, its a breeze, no paper towels and windex! Just water and your cloths and I actually use it for the bathrooms too and for the furniture… LOVE IT! If you need anymore persuading I will come do a demo for you 🙂

    1. Michelle Post author

      I DO need persuading. I’d be even more convinced if your demonstration included all my windows. 😉 🙂 🙂 Ok, seriously, what I really want to know is this, do you have to scrub a lot harder than you do with cleaners. Someone gave me a special window cloth (not Norwex) that you’re just supposed to use by making it slightly damp. I think it works. But I rarely use it because I have to use so much more elbow grease and my shoulder barely tolerates normal cleaning. A couple of windows with it and I have shooting pain for a couple of days. I think it’s because you barely make it wet so there’s a lot more resistance. Are you supposed to do the same thing with a Norwex rag?

      1. Dorcas Byler

        No you don’t have to rub harder. It is so much easier then cleaning with Windex and paper towels. And the windows sparkle! I would love to do a demo for you! It’s a shame you live so far away!

  4. Jenn

    My cleaning fairies are vinegar and dish soap diluted in warm water. I use that on almost everything, including windows. To shine the windows I use a Norwex cloth. They really are the cat’s meow! But I think any lint-free microfibre cloth would do the trick too.

  5. Jessica

    Wish you lived next door — I’d cook your suppers and you could clean for me! Cleaning is not my cup of tea, although I do feel all-around better when the house is clean. I’m not a baker – ask my husband who only gets cookies at his mamma’s house or the church carry-in. But I do love to cook. 🙂

  6. annamarypetersheim

    I am not a norwex fan =) give me a microfiber rag and some dish soap and vinegar and I’m good to go!!! For windows (we have lots!!) we use water (plain, vinegar, or dish soap) and 100% cotton rags!! In my opinion cleaning and cooking are both way more fun when done with sisters =D

    1. Michelle Post author

      So, I’m curious. Did you try the Norwex rags and not like them or you just never tried them? (Can you tell I’m looking for a miracle cure?) 🙂 And yes!!!!!!!! Anything is waaaaaaay more fun with sisters. You are so right about that!

  7. Nola

    I need Mox. I’ve know this since I was a child at home, but I’ve never bothered to go find some for my own house. When the topic of cleaning comes up with you, I am often reminded that I need Mox. Thanks for the reminder….again. =) Norwex? I wouldn’t spend the money. Oh wait, I already did! I don’t know what I do wrong but I’m not very impressed with it. My window rag leaves stuff behind. I have new windows so I know it’s not glass problems. I wash my Norwex rags carefully with only themselves. I’d love to hear some tips that I might be overlooking to have better success. Maybe my problem is that I clean my windows on very sunny days, so I can actually see how clean I get them? Too picky perhaps?

  8. Nola

    Oh, I forgot to address your last question. I bake and eat for therapy. Come clean my house and I’ll make you some more Cranberry Bliss Bars. =)

  9. Gina Peachey

    I am a big Norwex fan when it comes to windows. I clean my windows much more frequently now, because it is just so much easier. You do need to be careful to never put the enviro cloths and the window cloths in the dryer. It won’t harm them in any way, but you will get little bits of lint in them that stick to your windows then. Always line dry and you’ll be fine. For general cleaning, I have used and loved Melaleuca cleaners for years. It’s rare that I find a job too tough for them. It’s also peace of mind to me that I don’t need to worry about my kids getting poisoned if they happen to get hold of one.

  10. Laura

    huge Norwex fan. If your window rag is leaving “sparkles” behind, try making it more damp and not rubbing so hard. Don’t rub it til it’s dry–let the last bit of moisture evaporate. I promise there won’t be anything left behind. 🙂 I love washing windows with Norwex!!

  11. Janine

    I usually just a silent reader on your blog but since you mentioned norwex I had to join in. 🙂 I’ve been using norwex cloths (and more) for a year now and i still love them! Its easy and “non stinky” and safe. You CAN put the microfiber cloths and window cleaning cloth in the dryer. Just make sure your cloths are in a lint free load (pants work great) and that you use a good soap (no fragrances or added fillers) and no dryer sheets or softener. If you don’t want to spend the $ on everything norwex just start with an enviro cloth and a window cloth. Wash your window with the wet enviro cloth and shine with the window cloth. No extra scrubbing at all- in fact I would say less scrubbing than with a normal rag. Your windows will never be the same again! I was very sceptical at first but went to a party where the sales consultant definitely knew what she was talking about and I bought a environmental cloth and the cleaning paste. Promptly started cleaning and removed a lot of dirt that I thought was permanent with very little work involved. Yup, I’m definitely a fan!

  12. Gina Smucker

    Michelle, its actaully easier with Norwex, you do not have to scrub hard and the key is to have your enviro cloth wet and the polishing cloth dry, AND yes you can throw them in the dryer. DO NOT wash with fabric softner or bleach as that will ruin the cloths and do not wash with towels cause it will put lint on your cloths. I don’t usually wash mine in the washer, I boil a pot of water, take it off the burner, add my detergent (biodegradable detergent) and soak my cloths for about 15 min, pour out water and rinse well and hang to dry. Easy Peasy!!! If you are interested i will send you a set and if you want to do a party i will come do one for you 🙂

    1. Michelle Post author

      Ok. I am convinced. I think. 🙂 I would LOVE if you would come do a party. Seriously how FUN would that be?? But, I am in a super teeny tiny community and it wouldn’t be worth your time and gas. So, I’ll ask around and see if anyone is interested, but probably I’ll just order some from you. I’m coming through Harrisonburg tomorrow and I’d plan on just stopping in except I’ll have an adult male passenger (not David) along who I’m quite sure wouldn’t be interested in Norwex. 🙂 Do you have an online catalog I can look at? Maybe I could do an online party?

      1. Gina Smucker

        My website is you can actually order online and get directly shipped to you. If your not sure what to get start with, just get the basic package, includes the enviro cloth and window cloth. Believe me, you can clean your whole house with those two cloths. :). but if you get confused, just let me know I’ll order for you.

  13. Thelma Musser

    Norwex?!?!?!? i LOVE norwex! seriously, every mom of kids should have a few of their clothes. it’s like majic sponge in cloth form. I have gotten so many spots out of the carpet w/ them, they clean stainless steel easily, and are just great for all around smudge patrol.
    And yes, paired w/ the window cloth, make it easy to go around and clean fingerprints off the windows. The clothes are DEF worth every penny!!!!

  14. Rachel Weirich

    Im hooked on norwex too! Love the enviro & window cloths esp but i Love the detergent, I just use a tsp for each load ( i have a front load washer) & it does a wonderful job even with my husbands work clothes! Also i took the enviro cloth & scrubbed some of the carpet in our van & couldnt believe how it took the stains out! Was soo impressed! I give the children the enviro & window cloth & they do a super job cleaning the van with those 2 cloths-with just water! Their cleaning mitts are a must for dusting the furniture too!

  15. Dorcas Byler

    Yeah! She is convinced!! The Norwex comments were spot on. And yes, the dryer is fine as long as you only dry them with non fuzzies, and no fabric softener or dry sheets allowed!

  16. Kendra

    I’m also a silent reader not much to comment and I would much rather cook and bake then clean but since a dirty, crumby, smeary house makes me grumpy I clean and I LOVE NORWEX!! Makes cleaning so much easier especially the windows the enviro cloth and window/polishing cloth are a must!! And what I really love is I can send my girls to clean the windows and know i don’t have to worry if they’ll leave streaks behind because they won’t! I used to think I have to use Clorox clean up or Lysol all purpose on my counter tops but since NORWEX enviro cloth I don’t even own those cleaners anymore! Dusting Mit is also a handy little thing! I do wash my cloths alone and in the NORWEX laundry detergent and no softner either that will cause streaking. Their laundry soap is great! I also love their Oder eliminator! Do you ever have an issue with towels and wash cloths smelling a little musty as soon as you wet them? Well no more musty smells with just a capful of Oder eliminator in each load of towels! I’ll stop now but NORWEX is the cats meow!!!

  17. Clarita

    Okay, so this was extremely fascinating to read, and even all the comments about Norwex! I’m in a small community too and Norwex parties haven’t gotten down here yet. 🙂 So I’ve heard a lot of hype about them but haven’t heard too much from someone who uses and loves them. I’m a little funny too about wanting to use some kind of cleaner, not just water, and I’d love to hear what the Norwex consultants say about that… But I was gifted a purple and blue Norwex cloth (um, window and what’s the other one for??) that I really need to pull out and use, I just haven’t known how.

    But I would rather clean than bake almost any day! I’ve been on a Mrs. Meyers kick – love the products and the scents. Cleaning to me isn’t fun if it doesn’t smell good afterward. 🙂 Going to check out your links here though too!

    1. Gina Smucker

      Hi Clarita, Norwex is the only stuff I use when I clean, dust, bathrooms, floors, everything and it has made my life so much easier 🙂 I know what you mean about wanting stuff to smell good, but I think using Norwex gives it a clean smell, because the cloths have silver in them. You have the window cloth and the enviro cloth. The blue cloth is the enviro and you use that wet to do the windows and then the purple cloth is your window cloth and you use the dry the window. You do not make the window cloth wet at all, that is your polishing cloth and that is what shines your windows. But you can also use this to dust your furniture, make the enviro cloth wet but wring it out good and then dust your furniture and then you can use the polishing/window cloth to wipe it or just let it dry and you can also use the enviro cloth to clean your carpet, make wet and use elbow grease, and tada!!! My mom took grease off her carpet and I had a friend take off red ink out of her carpet, there is no end to what you can do with one cloth 🙂 One thing to remember when you wash your cloths, do not use bleach, or fabric softner and do not wash with towels cause you will get lint on your cloths. If I just do a general cleaning I rinse under hot water and put a drop of biodegradable laundry soap and rub the cloth back and forth and then hang it up to dry and you do not want to bunched it together when its wet or it will stink. I do not throw mine in the washer but boil water, turn off the burner and put some biodegradable soap in and let it sit for about 15 min dump off water and rinse well and hang to dry…. there is a lot of you tube videos that tells you how to use you cloths and what is in them etc… sorry for the long post 🙂 Go get your cloths and do a window 🙂 I’ll warn you, they aren’t cheap but the will last you for 5 to 7 years if taken care of properly and you cut back on your cleaning supplies and so in the long run you save money and in my opinion its worth the money and I don’t need to worry about my girls using harmful chemicals to clean…

  18. Kendra

    Clarita, I know what you mean about wanting the house to smell. I do use Mrs. Meyers too sometime just because I love the smell but still Norwex is so much quicker so I will burn a good smelling candle just for smell!

  19. Alisa

    I’m joining in really late, but I enjoyed the cleaning suggestions and all the great comments. I don’t have anything Norwex, but it sure did make me interested! After some online research, I’ve found that there is also an e-cloth brand that rates very well and is more affordable than the Norwex products. There are a number of sites comparing the two, even some Norwex consultants that ended up going with e-cloth because of the quality and affordability. Anyway, I obviously can’t offer anything from my own experience yet, but I DID just order some e-cloth products on Amazon last night and can’t wait to try them! I’d be curious if others here have used both, but I’m probably in the discussion too late.:)

  20. Alisa

    Hey, I’m back.:) I got two of the general cleaning e-cloth rags, and one window cleaning set, and have had them for about a week. That’s not time to prove much, but i can say I am genuinely delighted with the window cleaning set — so easy to use, and the windows and mirrors (and windshield!) truly sparkle. My husband is a builder, and I am often involved in cleaning his finished houses; you probably know how much TIME a new house full of windows can take to clean! I’ll really be happy if they speed that up.
    The general cloths have been great for quick bathroom clean-up, dusting, wall wipe downs, etc.; even without moving completely away from “traditional” cleaning (we’ll see), I think they will be worth it for when my children are cleaning or for quick shines.
    As for e-cloth brand versus Norwex, the online reviews along with the price difference were enough for me. The Amazon ratings are almost tit for tat, but the prices– not so much!

  21. Pingback: WFMW: Norwex | Chesed

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