
Zara baby

Zara is scheduled to follow up with her neurologist tomorrow.  Because her spasms were lessening significantly in frequency we were hoping we might be able to cancel follow up.  Then in March she caught a virus, spiked a fever of 103.9 and had eight spasms in fewer than five minutes.  For the next few days she had a difficult time walking because she couldn’t keep her balance.  She’s also been fisting a lot more, something that had slowly been disappearing since she’s walking.  Unfortunately, she is now also sometimes doing it while sleeping.  After speaking with her doctor about these and a few other things, they would like to both see her and do another EEG.  Depending on the results of that and her physical exam they may proceed with an MRI.

Mar 15 (58 of 190)

Will you pray with us?

For grace during the EEG.  Zara hates them, especially the process of being hooked up.

That it would show clear results of what is going on.

That our hearts would stay at peace and that her doctors would be anointed with divine wisdom about what is going on with her.

And most of all, we are still praying for miraculous healing.

The same God who created the world holds our hearts and our baby in His trustworthy hands.

16 thoughts on “Zara baby

  1. Stephanie J. Leinbach

    How long will the EEG be? Will she have to be sleep-deprived?

    I wish I didn’t know enough to ask intelligent questions. I hope tomorrow gives you answers for your questions.

    We have felt the prayers of God’s people so often in our story. I pray you feel them, too, and abundant grace.


  2. LuAnn Mast

    we know the frustration and questions of what is next and trusting God and the waiting, waiting, waiting when you feel a legitimate need for “THIS” to be addressed for our child. Our God who is the “But God…” in scripture. “But God, what?” “who is rich in compassion…” “but God…. hmmm, He led the Israelites out of Egypt, took ’em on a walk. But God, in the proper time, has all things under His control. But God. It’s one of our favorite Bible perspectives. And for us, the bottom line is the question of, “Will we choose to walk however He takes us today? What if if IS NOT safe? Because HE isn’t always safe – not as I think of safety. But I am called to go back to the one who is the “But God” and say, “I don’t know if You are going to make this safe for me, but I trust you to make me safe for whatever you are laying in front of us. Because I know, God! I know I can trust you with all my everything! And I trust you to take me through whatever is in my path, and I WILL BE VERY SAFE because I’m tucked up under You!”

  3. Mom

    Oh, Michelle, dear!
    You are sitting in the unknown where time stands still while the rest of the world whirls around you. I thank God for David and for you and your committed love and trust in Him. It’s your little girl in a unique situation and it is hard not to know answers. When your hearts, beating in quiet pulses of trust, skip a beat to a flutter of fear I pray you will find it is God calling you closer to Him. He is there and we all care! Tears and Cheers.

  4. Quintuplicatemom

    Oh Michelle, we’re definitely praying. We’ve done eeg’s; we’ve done sleep-deprived… much courage to you all.

  5. Lois Mast

    You are in my prayers for peace and for Zara’s healing. Dietrich had seizures when he was under two. I think it was just before his second birthday he was healed. Praying the same for you.

  6. Lois Mast

    You are in my prayers for peace and for Zara’s healing. Dietrich had seizures when he was under two. We went to a pediatric neurologist at UVa. He did the EEG asleep without medication. It was a little stressful for mom till he was actually sleeping. I think it was just before his second birthday he was healed. I often thank God but not often enough. Praying the same answer for you!

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