
Hello, world

Change is a positive thing, right?  Even when you are navigating a new blog site and all the posts you’d like to write get stifled under the hours of learning to manipulate the new space? For a few years, I’ve written about life and our family.  When we moved and lived without internet for the next four months, I took an unasked for hiatus.  Yet, when we moved into a place of our own and hooked back up to the wide, wide world, I found myself feeling lost in my own space.  Clicking new post on the screen shut my brain off faster than you could pour yourself a cup of coffee.  Was I even the same person who wrote about a life that in many ways feels like a memory of a far more distant time?  Browsing my own page made me homesick and instead of celebrating today, I found myself spending too much time reminiscing yesterday.

It was time for a change.

I don’t do well with change in the tech world.  I don’t even like getting a new cell phone because then I have to figure out all over again how to set up voice mail.  Now I’m trying to figure out how to make the main page own a clickable tab.  To get back from the about page, you have to click on the chesed header.  And if I create a page called blog, it still posts on this unidentified page.  Why do they make these things so complicated (better worded as why does my brain not see into details like this??).  But, if you will be patient with me, I’ll keep trying to get this figured out.  Hopefully soon this place will feel like a happy home ….. just as our house at Allegany Boys Camp is slowly feeling more and more like a place of happy belonging.

I’m so glad you are here!  Feel free to look around and share some love (or what would make this place better) in the comments section.  If you’re an avid blogger, you already know about RSS feeds.  If you’re not a blogger, but wish you could get the posts automatically, I’ve added a subscribe by email button.  We’ll see if my techy facade actually works. 🙂

Jan 13_0181

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. – Anatole France

18 thoughts on “Hello, world

  1. carolyn k

    I will be waiting to hear from you. I’ve missed you in more ways than one! I’m glad to hear you are settling in at camp and enjoying it.

  2. Beth

    Love the new blog Michelle! It was so good talking this past weekend, I wish for more time! You are such an inspiring woman and I’m so glad to call you a “cousin”. 🙂

  3. Gina

    Congratulations! Hope to see you writing more. Like you, I’m slow to learn anything new in the tech world. Give me my old comfortable routines! But I’m sure it will be well know as a pair of slippers soon.

    And I never could comment on xanga – so it is nice to be able to here.

    1. Michelle Post author

      Comfortable as old slippers would be a good thing. I told David last night I’m not liking this place at all. It makes me feel as though I’m supposed to be all grown up and write an essay of some kind. You know, the kind with an actually closing statement. 😉

  4. Clarita

    Oh, it’s a beautiful new blog! How exciting!! The whole techy part of it would scare me too, but I do hope that it can open up into a comfortable space for you, one that feels like home and where you can write again! Love!

  5. Rachel Stoltzfus

    where ever you move to, i’ll be a faithful reader!! 🙂 that is when i have time between the stacks of papers to check and questions to answer. Why is HS so time consuming? i think i’m getting closer to needing that summer break. sshhhh don’t tell the kids!!

    1. Michelle Post author

      I don’t KNOW why homeschooling is so consuming, but it IS!!!!! You and me both on that summer break part. Do you have a projected finish date? I’m hoping to wrap up the end of April. It is SOOO rewarding to open up that three inch Math textbook and be in the last quarter of it. 🙂

  6. Cindy

    i’m liking your new space.
    it makes sense with a new address… and new chapters,
    to get a new address, even online, to write new chapters! 🙂

    love to you and hugs. and tons of His glory in and on and through you and your upcoming adventures.

  7. amber.

    catching up on your life. checking out your new blog~ awesome!
    i need to figure out how to follow you here – –
    i think i just need to move my blog to wordpress too and that’ll take care of that. ;))

    change is always scary.. whether in real life or even here.
    but i also think change is good and forces us to discover things in ourselves we wouldn’t otherwise.

    love you friend.

    1. Michelle Post author

      If you move, please make sure I find out. 🙂 I think my internet habits are schizophrenic at best right now because of school and I always feel as though I’m probably missing all the important stuff! Miss you!

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